Attitude, Awareness and knowledge of Evidence Based Medicine among postgraduate students of Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences Jamshoro/Hyderabad Pakistan.
Objective: Attitude, Awareness and knowledge of Evidence Based Medicine among postgraduate students of Study design: A cross-sectional survey. Setting: Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences Jamshoro/Hyderabad Pakistan. Period: month of August 2013. Methodology: A pre-tested self-administered questionnaire, was distributed among 150 Post Grduate. previously used for similar type of surveys, was used. Results: Overall response rate was 94%.of the participants 68.1% (n=96/141) heard the word of EBM first time during post-garduation training. Teaching of EBM at both under- and postgraduate level was strongly suggested. 95.7% (n=135/141) of the participants never attended a workshop on EBM. 70.2% (99/141) use both books and internet to update their knowledge. 53.2 % (n=75/141) agreed that doctors practice needs to be audited. 85.1 % (120/141) replied that they have no one around them who practice EBM. 46.8% (n=66/141) admitted that only sometimes they discuss the need of evidence based guideline during ward rounds and OPD. 51.1% (72/141) were of the opinion introducing EBM in undergraduate education will help produce better doctors. 38.2% (n=50/141) research articles/reports are not readily available, 17% (22/141) lack of postgraduate interest to change or try new ideas were the barriers faced by postgraduate. Conclusion: Although attitude of postgraduate students towards EBM practice in Pakistan is welcoming nevertheless, they need more knowledge and training in this regard. Therefore, there is a strong need of incorporating the teaching of EBM at undergraduate as well postgraduate level to promote the practice of EBM.
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