Brain Drain Case of Medical Professionals (Study From Pakistan)
Brain drain, Home town, Workplace violence, immigrationAbstract
Youth is consider as the power of the nation's economy. Talented young professionals with energetic force play a vital role for the country progress. Globalization raise , the demand for skilled manpower and all countries try to attract and retain skilled labor. Whereas the developed nations launch attractive migration policies for skilled labor in order to capture the genius minds. Which brings a shifting of a sharp minds from third world countries to the developed countries. Objective: In this empirical study, we try to delve what are major dynamics of the brain drain. Career path, Salary structure and workplace violence are the major causes of the brain drain of medical professionals. Study design: Cross sectional survey. Setting: Mayo Hospital, Jinnah hospital and Services hospital. Material and Method: 50 young MBBS doctors and 50 young nurses were interviewed. Questionnaire were given to available staff working in different wards. Selected respondents were asked different questions related to job satisfaction, career growth, job stress, workplace violence and different problems in existing job, 10% interviews were conducted as pre-testing before formal data collection, nominal discrepancies and few unnecessary questions were removed from data collection tool. Result: Discrimination, Lack of advance research opportunities are the major pushing factor. Brain drain is useful for underdeveloped countries if they try to convert that into Brain gain. Conclusion: Brain drain plays a significant role in the progress of country e.g. one of the major source of income of Pakistan is the remittances which migrated persons send to their loved ones in their hometowns. There is a dire need that Government should launch such programs to how to get benefit from these sharp brains and their foreign experience.Downloads

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