compare the awareness of the ergonomics among bankers of public and private sector in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.
Awareness of ergonomics among bankers
Objective: To compare the awareness of the ergonomics among bankers of public and private sector in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.
Study design: comparative cross sectional survey.
Place /duration: Private and Public Sector Banks in Islamabad and Rawalpindi within duration of 6 months.
Materials and Methods: After getting approval from institutional review committee, Data was collected using non-probability purposive sampling technique.120 bank employees of both genders within age range of 20-60 years, with at least 6 months’ experience were included and those with any previous musculoskeletal disorder/dysfunction, following any physiotherapist, physician etc. for correction of ergonomics were excluded. Maastricht Upper Extremity Questionnaire (MUEQ) was administered for data collection. Data was analysed using SPSS version 20.
Results: Score of neck pain (36.67% in public bankers, 35% in private sector) and shoulder pain (28.33.67% in public bankers, 20 in private sector) showed that its more prevalent in public sector bankers as compare to private sector. On the other hand, private sector bankers have more access to ergonomically friendly environment, including use of back care material (16% in public bankers, 32% in private sector), adjustable height chair (54% in public bankers, 63 in private sector), monitor level adjustments (58% in public bankers, 63% in private bankers), freely moveable elbow, wrist and knee (28.33%, 28.33% and 27.50% in public and 37.50%,40.00 and 45.87% in private bankers) as compare to pubic sector bankers.
Conclusion: The results show that private sector bankers were more aware about their health and postures as compared to the public sector bankers.
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