
  • Naveed Shibli
  • Afsheen Chaudhary
  • Tariq Rashid Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
  • Ali Sher Clinical Psychologist


Survival, Healthcare, Evolution, Human History, Well being


Objective: Survival strategies contributed towards human survival. Aim: Healthcare is a survival strategy. Patients' chose medicine, homeopathy and herbal treatments for healthcare needs. Does healthcare preference is associated with certain human self-related factors and reflects links toward human history or evolution was the question that was focused in the present work? Study design: Randomiced corrnoltrial. Setting: Clinics of Faisalabad. Period: Dec 2016 to Mar 2017. Material and Method: 102 patients, 34 each visiting allopathic, homeopathic and herbal clinics for treatment tested on Satisfaction with Life Scale and Scale of Positive and Negative Experience. Results: Correlation between positive affect and life satisfaction found as, r (100) = .494, p < 0.05, inverse correlation emerged between positive affect and negative effect, r100) = -.224. p< 0.01, similarly between positive affect and life satisfaction, r(100) = -.252. p< 0.01. Some visible findings about economic status of participants' and treatment preference also came in light. Conclusion: Link between healthcare preference and economic status of participants' found that hinted towards the possibility to compare modern survival with the findings about ancient, historic and evolutionary survival those reflect that there were more chances for stronger to survive. More and broader context studies recommended.

Author Biographies

Naveed Shibli

Professor, Head Department of Psychology

Tariq Rashid, Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

University Medical and Dental College, Medina Teaching Hospital Faisalabad


