Physical Therapy, Kinseiophobia, Exercise Phobia, Chronic neck pain, Tampa scale, Fear of movementAbstract
Background: Kinesiophobia is used to describe the people's fear of movement because of pain. It's an extreme form of fear or phobia of movement in which a person believes that movement may result in more pain and injury. Kinesiophobia patients have fear that they may get injured if they performed any type of movement. So, they avoid any type of movement. Fear of movement creates a negative cycle of further pain, further fear, and chronic pain. Neck pain refers to a sensation of discomfort that you feel in your neck area. Neck pain is a common disease which commonly involves the muscles and ligaments, joints, or discs. It can differ from a constant, dull pain to a sharp, sudden sensation. Neck pain can be categorized on the basis of duration as acute (lasting less than 6 weeks), sub-acute (6-12 weeks) and chronic (more than 12 weeks). Objective: The objective of the study was to describe the frequency of kinesiophobia in patients with chronic neck pain. Study Design: The design of study under research was observational (cross sectional). Setting: The study setting was Jinnah Hospital, Lahore. Study Duration: The study took a duration of six months in completion after the synopsis was approved. Material and Method: The Tampa questionnaire was used as data collection tool. It consisted of demographics, visual analogue scale and Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia. A questionnaire on 95 patients of chronic neck pain was carried out in this study to find out the presence and degree of kinesiophobia. Results: The main results showed out that out of 95, 35(36.84%) had low degree of kinesiophobia and 60(63.16%) had high degree of kinesiophobia. And p value for gender, socioeconomic status and age of patient for Tampa scale score was greater than .05. This resulted that there was no association between gender, socioeconomic status and age of patient for kinesiophobia. Conclusion: It was concluded that patients had fear that they might get injured if they were to exercise. They had a fear of re injury/movement. A high score of Tampa scale was found, which showed a high degree of kinesiophobia. The major portion of respondents was from middle class of socioeconomics. By their counseling, we can improve the treatment methodology as well as the quality of life of the patients.Downloads

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