Upper Cross Syndrome, Physical Therapy, Neck Pain, Cervical, School TeachersAbstract
Teachers are the most important part of our community. Their health matters a lot. This study would not only detect upper cross syndrome in teachers but also associated incident of neck pain with upper cross syndrome. This further will give insight into the good or bad ergonomics being used by teachers for their various teaching activities such as prolonged computer use and sitting. Precautionary measures that may be taken according to found ergonomic defects. Extensive load can be saved from health care system. This may help saving economic loads in terms of sick leave and hospital visits. This may impact overall community in terms of ailment free high quality teaching producing good outcomes. Objectives: The objective of the study was to determine the frequency of chronic neck pain in female school teachers in upper cross syndrome. Study Design: Case series. Setting: Study was conducted in following schools. Government Girls high school Shalimar town Lahore. City district Government Girls high school Fatehgarhpul Lahore. Government Zafar Islam primary school Punj peer Lahore. Period: The study was completed in six month from May 2015 to November 2015. Material and Method: 107 female school teachers of above mentioned schools were surveyed. The sample was collected after the filling of a questionnaire after taking informed consent from the authorities and school teachers. The purpose and objective of the study was informed to authorities. Questionnaire included both open and close ended questions. Teachers were assessed through specific measures. Confidentiality and anonymity were maintained with honesty and impartiality. Results: The result showed majority of respondents were married 90.7% of whom were having neck pain, 9.3% reported as pain free. The average age of patients was 35.51(SD+5.185). Distribution curve slightly skewed to lower values of age. The main results were showed that 2.8% respondents were came on none disability category, 15.9% were categorized having mild disability, 53.3% respondents with moderate, 14% with severe disability and 4.7% complete disability. Conclusion: Most of the school teachers were presented with upper cross syndrome with moderate intensity of neck pain and moderate degree of disability when assessed on Neck Disability Index. The associated musculoskeletal problems involved neck and shoulder at the most while less but equally reported were other regions of body.Downloads

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